Gary Graham (a massive influence in my life) shared an article, pushing us to answer the question, “If your life was a movie, where would the plot be headed right now?”
I sat and thought about this for a while, googled some movies lol but the movie Soul Surfer that my husband and I watched over the festive season, kept popping up in my mind.
The preface of the movie is, they are a surfing family and the daughter’s arm gets ripped off by a shark.
This of course changes her life forever. But there is a part in the movie where she decided, unequivocally decided, I’m going to surf again. She recognized what she couldn’t do anymore and adapted. Spoiler alert lol – she goes on to find herself and becomes a champion again.
So where am I in my story? I have unequivocally decided:
Decided not to settle
Decided not to give up
Decided to break cycles
Decided to be the change
Decided to relentlessly pursue God’s will
Where are you in your story?