If your life was a movie…

Posted in   Uncategorized   on  June 28, 2023 by  Tina Cupido0

Gary Graham (a massive influence in my life) shared an article, pushing us to answer the question, “If your life was a movie, where would the plot be headed right now?”

I sat and thought about this for a while, googled some movies lol but the movie Soul Surfer that my husband and I watched over the festive season, kept popping up in my mind.

The preface of the movie is, they are a surfing family and the daughter’s arm gets ripped off by a shark.

This of course changes her life forever. But there is a part in the movie where she decided, unequivocally decided, I’m going to surf again. She recognized what she couldn’t do anymore and adapted. Spoiler alert lol – she goes on to find herself and becomes a champion again.

So where am I in my story? I have unequivocally decided:

Decided not to settle

Decided not to give up

Decided to break cycles

Decided to be the change

Decided to relentlessly pursue God’s will

Where are you in your story? 

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